Brie, M. and Thomasberger, C. (Eds.). (2017). Karl Polanyi’s Vision of a Socialist Transformation. Montréal: Black Rose Books.
The political and economic turmoil of the decade following the financial crisis has seen a resurgence of interest in the work of philosopher and social theorist Karl Polanyi (1886-1964). International grassroots resistance, as well as neo-fascist reactions, to the austerity, alienation and environmental upheaval of neo-liberalism is widely seen as lending support to the main theses of Polanyi’s 1944 masterpiece The Great Transformation. However, the overtly socialist aspects of Polanyi’s work are often understated. In Karl Polanyi’s Vision of a Socialist Transformation, leading researchers Michael Brie (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) and Claus Thomasberger (University of Applied Sciences, Berlin) redress this balance, bringing together central figures in Polanyi studies to provide an essential introduction to the contemporary importance of Polanyi’s thinking on freedom, community, and the socialist transformation of market society. This book also includes five essays by Polanyi translated into English for the first time.
The book features essays from Nancy Fraser (New School for Social Research, New York), Kari Polanyi Levitt and Gareth Dale.
The book can be purchased here: