Attila melegh is our 7th vienna karl polanyi visiting professor
January 29th, 2024
We are happy to announce Professor Attila Melegh as our seventh Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor for the summer term 2024!
In the course of his visit to Vienna, he will hold a PhD-seminar, an Internal Workshop at Central European University and an open lecture traditional to our visiting professorship.

Public lecture - MAY 22 - SAVE THE DATE!

Sociologist, economist and historian Attila Melegh is a professor at Corvinus University, Budapest and a senior researcher at the Demographic Research Institute. His research focuses on the global social change in the 20th century, the care crisis and international migration. Professor Melegh is also an expert on the works of Karl Polanyi and was founding director of the Karl Polányi Research Center at Corvinus University. He is the author of over a hundred scientific publications, the renowned book ‘On the East/West Slope, Globalization, Nationalism, Racism and Discourses on Central and Eastern Europe’ published at CEU Press and a new 2023 book ‘Migration Turn and Eastern Europe’ at Palgrave Macmillan.
To learn more about our visiting professorship which is a unique university cooperation of the University of Vienna, the Central European University (CEU) and the Vienna University of Business and Economics (WU Wien), also follow the links below.
You can find our previous professors’ Public Lecture recordings on the respective professor’s page or on our YouTube Channel.
Our Public Lectures are open to anyone interested in connecting with research conducted at these universities and our visiting professors works. You are cordially invited to the public lecture on May 22nd at 6:30 pm which we are organiszing together with the Public Learning Centres Vienna (Wiener Volkshochschulen VHS). This important Viennese institution offers adult education on diverse topics and in the 1920s Karl Polanyi has also taught at the Public Learning Centres Vienna (Wiener Volkshochschulen VHS).
phd seminar - application phase open now!

We are looking forward to students joining Prof. Melegh’s research Seminar on Global social change and the migration turn. Students can apply with a 1-page motivational letter and CV by February 21st 2024! Find out more here or by clicking on the button below.
workshop @ CEU
You can read more about his Visiting Professorship, the PhD Seminar and all the related events by clicking on the links below.
We will inform you about details about the CEU Workshop soon.