Many societal problems are caused by misunderstanding the economy as a market economy and thus making ecological and social concerns secondary. Very often the particular structure of the economy proves to be destructive, which is why the first part of the series will take a closer look at alternatives.
Registration: In order to ensure safe event attendance in times of Corona, most events will take place exclusively online. The events marked as hybrid, which take place on-site and online, will be held in large rooms and with appropriate security measures. If these events need to be moved to the virtual world entirely, we will inform you about this via www.vhs.at/gegenbewegungen. Please register for each event individually!
Dates March - June 2021
23. March, 7 PM (online, german)
Panel Discussion: Roland Atzmüller, Andreas Novy, Magdalena Prieler, Markus Marterbauer
Moderation: Brigitte Aulenbacher
13. April, 7 PM (online, english)
Richard Kozul-Wright:
International trade and climate justice
Moderation: Roland Atzmüller
Comment: Karin Fischer
21. April, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Roland Atzmüller
Comment: Alexandra Strickner
27. April, 7 PM (online, german)
Moderation: Michael Getzner
Comment: Andreas Novy
04. May, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Andreas Novy
Comments: Brigitte Aulenbacher, Attila Melegh
Laudatio: Klaus Dörre
5. May, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Brigitte Aulenbacher
Comment: Andreas Novy
15. June, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Justin Kadi
Comments: Elke Schüßler and Katarzyna Gruszka
11. May, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Roman Seidl
Comment: Benjamin Herr
18. May, 7 PM (online, english)
Moderation: Alexander Hamedinger
Comments: Jürgen Essletzbichler and Jakob Kapeller
1 June, 7 PM (german, hybrid: Technisch Gewerbliche Abendschule, Wien)
Moderation: Andreas Novy
2. June, 7 PM (german, hybrid: Jägermayerhof, Linz)
Moderation: Roland Atzmüller
Comment: Karin Leitner
08. June, 7 PM (german, hybrid: VHS Ottakring, Wien)
Moderation: Alexandra Strickner
Comment: Elisabeth Springler
9. June, 7 PM (german, hybrid: Arbeiterkammer, Linz)
Moderation: Johanna Grubner
Comment: N.N. (AKOÖ)