A match made in heaven?
Synergies between ecological and
social provisioning outcomes

October 4th, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (CET)
Colleen Schneider (IKPS & WU Vienna)
Katharina Bohnenberger,
Halliki Kreinin,
Luca Calafati

This webinar will introduce and break open the thus far academic view on mutual limitations of economic necessities and social goals. Focus will be placed on mutual facilitation and the influence of social and ecological provisioning systems. It will address debates on positive and negative repercussions between strategies aimed toward living within planetary means and human flourishing (Aigner et al. 2021, Bohnenberger & Schultheiss 2021), as well as the necessity of thinking of the two together in order to enable a good life for all within planetary boundaries (Novy et al). The ongoing academic discussion taking place in an upcoming Special Issue (forthcoming Bärnthaler/Novy/Schneider) and the importance of Karl Polanyi’s work for the social-ecological transformation and the understanding of the economy beyond market interactions  will also be taken up in this setting.

This webinar will introduce and break open the thus far academic view on the relationship between economic necessities and social goals. Focus will be placed on how the two can be approached synergistically, addressing debates on positive and negative repercussions between strategies aimed at living within planetary boundaries and achieving human flourishing. The influence of social and ecological provisioning systems on shaping these relationships will be considered. 




October 4th, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (CET)

Colleen Schneider (IKPS & University of Economics and Business, Vienna) 


Katharina Bohnenberger, (University of Duisburg-Essen); 

Halliki Kreinin;

Luca Calafati, (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Further Reading

Bohnenberger, Katharina und Jana Schultheiss. 2021. Sozialpolitik für eine klimagerechte
Gesellschaft. In Klimasoziale Politik. Eine gerechte und emissionsfreie Gesellschaft
gestalten, Hrsg. Attac, Armutskonferenz und Beigewum, Wien: bahoe books.

Organised by:

Institute for Multilevel-Governance and Development (WU Vienna); 
International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS)

In cooperation with:

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Brussels