My good life without me? Potentials and obstacles in
democratizing provision systems
for a social-ecological transformation

October 18th, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (CET)
Richard Bärnthaler (WU Vienna)
Margaret Haderer (Vienna University of Technology),
Matthew Noah Smith (Northeastern University, Boston),
Viviana Asara  (University of Ferrara)

Provisioning systems shape how everyday life can be lived (together); they organize society and are thus cornerstones of a polity. Democratizing these systems is essential to enable collective negotiations on how we want to and how we can live together in the future – without transgressing planetary boundaries. Therefore, this webinar explores the potentials and challenges to opening new spheres of democratic decision-making. What does democratization mean anyway and how can it be realized in different spheres and on various scales? What role do democratic innovations play, e.g. deliberative forums? Is the need for rapid change compatible with democratic decision-making? And what role do public decision-makers and experts play in the process of democratization?




October 18th, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (CET)

Richard Bärnthaler (University of Economics and Business, Vienna) 

Margaret Haderer, Vienna University of Technology;

Matthew Noah Smith, Northeastern University, Boston

Viviana Asara, University of Ferrara


Further Reading

coming soon

Organised by:

Institute for Multilevel-Governance and Development (WU Vienna); 
International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS)

In cooperation with:

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Brussels