Category Archives: Publications

Reading Circle Kick-off: Wendy Brown and Friedrich Hayek

We, the International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS), the Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformations (ISSET) and the Institute for Law and Governance cordially invite you to join our reading circle on “Socioeconomics and Law.” 

This reading circle will serve as a preparatory event for an upcoming international conference, titled “Socioeconomics and Law – From Hayek and Schmitt to Polanyi and Kelsen,” that is set to take place in Vienna in the spring of 2027. At this conference and in the lead-up to this conference, we aim to engage in discussions about alternatives to the current radicalization of neoliberal thought, particularly its alignment with non-democratic and non-liberal political and legal ideologies.

To kick off our reading circle, rather than starting with Hayek´s seminal text, “The Constitution of Liberty,” we will first contextualize Hayek’s significance in shaping the contemporary alliance between anarcho-capitalists and moral traditionalists. Our initial sessions will focus on Wendy Brown’s (2019) “In the Ruins of Neoliberalism,” where she elucidates Hayek’s influence and the implications of the ongoing reinterpretation of law.

Here is an introductory text by IKPS president, Andreas Novy highlighting the role of markets and morals in Hayek’s work and the relevance of Brown’s analysis of this interconnection for current events: Novy (2025) Markets and Morals: The Reactionary Right’s Ideological Core.

The sessions on Wendy Brown’s book will take place at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) on the following dates from 5pm – 7pm CEST:

  • Thu, April 3rd, 2025, 5pm-7pm (chapter 1)

  • Thu, May 8th, 2025, 5pm-7pm (chapter 2)

  • Thu, July 3rd, 2025, 5pm-7pm (chapter 3)

  • Tue, September 16th, 2025, 5pm-7pm (chapter 4)

  • Thu, October 2nd, 2025, 5pm-7pm (chapter 5)

Venue: WU, Building D4, room D4.3.106.

To enable international participation there is also the possibility to participate in a hybrid mode. Please register by e-mail for a link to participate online.

We are looking forward to your participation and to an exciting exchange!

Andreas Novy and Verena Madner

Cangiani, Thomasberger: Karl Polanyi. Economy & Society

Cangiani, M. and Thomasberger, C. (Eds.). (2018). Karl Polanyi. Economy & Society. Cambridge: Polity Press. 

‘Few figures are more crucial to understanding the upheavals of our contemporary era than Karl Polanyi. In a world riven by social and economic crises, from rising inequality to the decay of democratic institutions and profound technological disruption, Polanyi’s path-breaking account of the dynamics of market capitalism and his defence of society and nature against the dangerous tendencies of the market capitalist system are more relevant than ever.

This book brings together Polanyi’s most important articles and essays to give a unique selection of his essential shorter writings, mixing classic texts with significant but previously little-known pieces. It highlights the coherence and richness of Polanyi’s theoretical and political approach, making it indispensable for understanding his overarching intellectual contribution. The volume includes his interwar writings, which deal with the world economic crisis and the socialist alternative to conservative and fascist developments; his reflection on political theory and the international situation after the war; and his comparative studies of economic institutions. Polanyi’s political writings are complemented and supported by the critique of economic determinism and what he termed ‘our obsolete market mentality’.

This book is an invaluable companion to Polanyi’s masterpiece, The Great Transformation, and an essential resource for students and scholars of political economy, sociology, history and political philosophy. 


The book can be purchased here:


Brie, Thomasberger: Karl Polanyi’s Vision of a Socialist Transformation

Brie, M. and Thomasberger, C. (Eds.). (2017). Karl Polanyi’s Vision of a Socialist Transformation. Montréal: Black Rose Books.

The political and economic turmoil of the decade following the financial crisis has seen a resurgence of interest in the work of philosopher and social theorist Karl Polanyi (1886-1964). International grassroots resistance, as well as neo-fascist reactions, to the austerity, alienation and environmental upheaval of neo-liberalism is widely seen as lending support to the main theses of Polanyi’s 1944 masterpiece The Great Transformation. However, the overtly socialist aspects of Polanyi’s work are often understated. In Karl Polanyi’s Vision of a Socialist Transformation, leading researchers Michael Brie (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) and Claus Thomasberger (University of Applied Sciences, Berlin) redress this balance, bringing together central figures in Polanyi studies to provide an essential introduction to the contemporary importance of Polanyi’s thinking on freedom, community, and the socialist transformation of market society. This book also includes five essays by Polanyi translated into English for the first time. 

The book features essays from Nancy Fraser (New School for Social Research, New York), Kari Polanyi Levitt and Gareth Dale.

The book can be purchased here:

Kari Polanyi Levitt: From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization

Polanyi Levitt, K. (2013): From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization. On Karl Polanyi and other Essays. London: Zed Books Ltd. 

Polanyi Levitt, K. (2020): Die Finanzialisierung der Welt. Karl Polanyi und die neoliberale Transformation der Weltwirtschaft. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa

Kari Polanyi-Levitt’s book ‘From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization’, that compares the dynamics of the Great Transformation of the 1930s with the Great Financialization of recent decades, has already been published in 2013.
As of April 2020, it will also be available in german. In it,  Polanyi Levitt highlights the timeliness of Karl Polanyi and shows him as Hayek’s opponent. Having worked in research and practice of development policies in the Caribbean for many years, Polanyi-Levitt tackles topics like neoliberal globalization, the erosion of national leeway, concepts of a new development and many more.

The german edition can be ordered here in advance:

Find the original (english) version here:


Dale, Holmes, Markantonatou: Karl Polanyi’s Political and Economic Thought

Dale, G., Holmes, C., Markantonatou, M. (Eds.) (2019): Karl Polanyi’s Political and Economic Thought. A Critical Guide. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing.

Maria Markantonatou, board-member of IKPS, co-edited a new book on Polanyi’s Political and Economic Thought, which was published on 25th July 2019. It offers a comprehensive introduction to Polyani’s and is therefore ideal for students engaging with Polanyi’s work for the first time.

The work of Karl Polanyi has become a central reference point for scholars in a variety of traditions and disciplines within the social sciences, including international relations, international political economy, economic sociology and economic anthropology. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Polanyi’s political and economic thought by examining the key themes that run throughout it: economic ideas, commodification, money, the gold standard, geopolitical economy, the state, class, fascism, democracy and knowledge.

Each chapter introduces the relevant aspects of Polanyi’s writings, covering important terminology and the position of the theme in relation to his work more broadly. The contributions seek to engage critically with Polanyi’s ideas, analysing both the strengths and weaknesses, as well as highlighting continuing points of relevance to contemporary issues and debates.

The book celebrates the diversity of Polanyi’s political and economic thought whilst encouraging the reader to see it as a whole and not as a set of fragmented concepts. It is an ideal introduction for students engaging with Polanyi’s work for the first time.

It can be purchased here:

ÖZS: The Great Transformation and Contemporary Capitalism

Austrian Journal of Sociology (ÖZS), Issue 2/2019
Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation and Contemporary Capitalism

In June 2019, the ÖZS published an issue focussing on Polanyi’s work and Contemporary Capitalism. It includes articles from our board as well as other authors such as Marcus Gräser, Marguerite Mendell, Bop Jessop, Ngai-Ling Sum, Claus Thomasberger, Michael Brie, Sabine Frerichs, Ernst Langthaler, Elke Schüßler, Klaus Dörre and more.

It can be accessed here:

Falter Supplement and Book

Karl Polanyi: Wiederentdeckung eines Jahrhundertdenkers
Brigitte Aulenbacher, Markus Marterbauer, Andreas Novy, Armin Thurnher,
Falter Verlag

In 2018, inspired by the second Austrian Polanyi-conference, as part of which the IKPS was founded, the Austrian weekly newspaper ‘Falter’ published a supplement called  ‘Transformation of capitalism?’, which was all about Polanyi’s life and oeuvre.

Right on time for the third congress on Polanyi in Budapest and Vienna in 2019, this supplement – revised and extended by some texts – was published as a book. It includes contributions from Michael Brie, Sabine Lichtenberger, Peter Rosner, Elisabeth Springer, Claus Thomasberger and many more as well as an interview with Kari Polanyi Levitt conducted by Michael Burawoy.

The Falter supplement can be downloaded here (german only):  

The book can be bought here (german only):


Global Dialogue Vol. 9/3 (December 2019).
Magazine of the  International Sociological Association

The issue celebrates the 75th anniversary of Karl Polanyis ‘The Great Transformation’ with various articles covering the intellectual context which has been of relevance for the historical origin of The Great Transformation. Authors like Fred Block, Gareth Dale, Chris Hann or Margaret R. Somers, who wrote a lot on Polanyi’s life and work, contribute to the issue by analyzing  a range of economic, social and political developments of the last decades through the lens of Polanyi’s perspectives.

Other topics: Migration, Sociology from Senegal, Migration

Note: At the moment, the  issue is only available in English. It will be published in 16 other languages within the next two months.

It can be downloaded here:

Atzmüller et al.: Capitalism in Transformation.

Atzmüller, R., Aulenbacher, B., Brand, U., Décieux, F., Fischer, K., Sauer, B. (Eds.). (2019): Capitalism in Transformation. Movements and Countermovements in the 21st Century. Edward Elgar Publishing

Presenting a profound and far-reaching analysis of economic, ecological, social, cultural and political developments of contemporary capitalism, this book draws on the work of Karl Polanyi, and re-reads it for our times. The renowned authors offer key insights to current changes in the relations between the economy, politics and society, and their ecological and social effects. They explore the commodification of land, labour, money, care and knowledge, and analyse labour and social movements, right-wing populism and religious fundamentalism. Bringing together insights from different parts of the world and from historical, theoretical and empirical research, the book sheds light on important facets of the crisis-driven transformation of contemporary capitalism.

The book can be purchased here: