News Can Trump be Defeated? Online-Discussion with Fred Block, Margaret R. Somers, and Robert Kuttner. Organized by the Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy (Montreal). Margaret Somers on the US-Elections Margaret Somers on the US-Elections and beyond, interviewed by John Hultgren and David Bond. November, 2020. Degrowth and the US-Elections Gareth Dale on Degrowth and the US-Elections, interviewed by John Hultgren and David Bond. October, 2020. Polanyi in South Africa Edward Webster on the importance for Polanyi's work in Japan. 19th of October. Polanyi in Japan Chikako Nakayama on the importance for Polanyi's work in Japan. 5th of September. Polanyi in Sweden Nils Brandsma on the importance of Polanyi's work in Sweden. 31st of July. Polanyi in the US David Bond and John Hultgren on the importance of Polanyi's work in the US. 30th of June. Polanyi in Hungary Attila Melegh on the importance of Polanyi's work in Hungary. 30th of May. Effective Strategies for Degrowth Contribution of IKPS director Andreas Novy for the Vienna Degrowth Conference. 29th of May. « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 Next »