We are proud to announce Professor Lucas Chancel as our ninth Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor for the summer term 2025! In the course of his visit to Vienna, he will hold a PhD-seminar at the University of Vienna, an Internal Workshop at Central European University and an open lecture at the VHS Vienna.


Lucas Chancel is a tenured Associate Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, where he is affiliated with the Center for Research on Social Inequalities and the Department of Economics. He also serves as Co-Director of the World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics and is a Senior Advisor at the European Tax Observatory. After recent visiting positions at the Harvard Kennedy School and the London School of Economics, Lucas Chancel will be the ninth Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor and will share his research and insights in this role.

A leading scholar on the intersection of inequality and environmental policy, Chancel’s work highlights how economic and environmental inequalities reinforce each other in numerous ways, creating a “triple climate inequality crisis.” He has examined the widening economic disparities within global North countries and the historical responsibility of industrialized nations for anthropogenic climate change. His recent research focuses on one of today’s most pressing challenges: how the costs of environmental damage and the energy transition can be distributed in a way that advances social justice.


The Research Seminar Global Inequality and the Climate Crisis held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, will be open for students from all all three universities parcitipating in the Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship; the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University of Vienna and the Central European University (CEU). Participation is limited.


Interested Students have to submit an application with a letter of  motivation (1 page max) and a CV. Please send your application to the following mail-addresses and pay attention to the dateline:

Send your application to:, by February 25th 2025


This PhD seminar, held by Lucas Chancel (Associate Professor of Economics at Sciences Po) and supported by Andreas Novy (Associate Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business) is open to social science and climate-science students interested in the interactions between climate change and social inequalities. The seminar reviews the latest empirical and theoretical research on global economic and climate inequalities, focusing on inequality in contributions, harms, and capacity to act. We discuss various methods to measure and analyze these inequalities. The focus is then placed on current industrial policies in renewable energy, with a comparative analysis of strategies employed in China, Europe, and the US. We examine their implications for economic inequalities within and between countries, and how they could reshape global power imbalances in the 21st century.


May 21st, 2025; 6:00 PM (CET)

Public Lecture by Lucas Chancel



“Unsustainable inequalities”

Chancel, L. 2020 “Unsustainable inequalities”, Harvard University Press

Chancel, L., Piketty, T., Saez, E., Zucman, G. 2022. “World Inequality Report 2022”, Harvard University Press.

Chancel, L., Bothe, P., Voituriez, T. (2023) “Climate Inequality Report 2023”, available online